E-Mail ee@consult-cpr.com for Analog, Power Electronics or Motion/Process Control Consultation.

Company: CPR, Inc. is a Philadelphia area electrical and mechanical engineering consulting company. CPR can integrate seamlessly into your current team (on-site if required) to add additional expertise or we can provide a complete design service working at our facilities. The following is a summary of the services offered by CPR and the benefits to potential clients.

Service Features
Customer Benefits
CPR offers complete design capability

Electrical & Mechanical Design, EMI Design (Mil Std 461, FCC, CE Mark)
Reliability Assurance (MTBF, WCA, Design Reviews)
Safety Agency Approvals (UL, CSA, CE Mark)
Complete Drawing Package, Tested Prototypes
Production Support inc. Contract Mfg. Services if desired
Single point of contact for all design services

CPR Technical depth/breadth

Principal:  Robert Rauck  with > 40 years experience
Analog Design inc. Linear Power Supplies
Switch Mode Power Supplies inc. soft switching and resonant types
Motion & Process Control inc. microcontrollers & software
Markets Served (Commercial, Military, Space)
Powerful Simulation Tools available (Mathcad, Spice)
Excellent Facilities (Electronics Lab, Magnetics Prototypes, Machine Shop)
Association with many additional talented engineers in diverse disciplines
Risk reduction


CPR Commitment to customer success

Fixed price engagements (Detailed Spec. & Statement of Work needed)
Free Spice simulation help (P/O required)
Most technical questions answered free (P/O not required) over the phone (215-362-0258) or by e-mail if the issue does not involve work to develop a useful response
Cost savings

Design Database: The following valuable information is furnished free for unlimited use with no strings attached. We do hope that in the future, when your company has a need for engineering consulting support, you will think of CPR. Visit Useful Engineering Links to access this massive database including published papers (many free full text), Mil Specs (free full text), Patents (free complete sets of images), Industry Standards, on-line computational applets, unit conversions, comprehensive component vendor data, industry magazines, conference info and market study data for analog, power electronics and motion/process control applications. You will also find links to EDA software and other tools as well as references to modern manufacturing and reliability/quality methods and software. There is also a link to a legal fully functional free copy of Spice (unlimited circuit size) with schematic capture and waveform viewer.

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