Resources, Inc. 226 Palmer Road Bangor, PA 18013 ![]() CPR: Bringing Powerful Ideas To Life! Robert L Rauck Ph: 215-362-0258 Fax: 215-362-3458 For Analog, Power Electronics or Motion/Process Control Consulting Support, E-Mail: |
Motion Control Design Links
Arrick Robotics
Links to info on robotics.
Classical Control System Design
On-line book on control theory. This is a 10 M-Byte file so it is recommended that you right click the link and choose to download the file and view it off-line.
Computer Controlled Systems
University of Southern Queensland: Lecture notes from Computer Controlled Systems Class. Topics include State Variables, Root Locus, Deadbeat Controllers, Sampled Data Systems & more.
Control of Stepping Motors
Doug Jones Stepper Motor tutorial site: This tutorial covers the basic principles of stepping motors and stepping motor control systems, including both the physics of steppers, the electronics of the basic control systems, and software architectures appropriate for motor control.
Control System Design Course Lecture Notes
The discipline of control and its applications. Dynamics and feedback. The mathematical models: ordinary differential equations, transfer functions and state space descriptions. Simple control design (PID). Assessment of a control problem. Specifications. Fundamental limitations. State feedback and observers. Co-design of system and control.
Control Systems Tutorials
Links to free in-depth articles on feedback theory emphasizing motion control topics.
Control Tutorials for Matlab
These tutorials are designed to help you learn how to use Matlab for the analysis and design of automatic control systems. They cover the basics of Matlab, the most common classical control design techniques (PID, root locus, and frequency response), as well as some modern (state-space) control design.
Feedback & Control Lectures
CalTech Course: An introduction to feedback and control in physical, biological, engineering, and information sciences. Basic principles of feedback and its use as a tool for altering the dynamics of systems and managing uncertainty. Click on a particular lecture topic and then click on lecture presentation. Internet Explorer required for viewing.
Motor Design Article Link
Links to Motor Design Articles (many full text).
National Instruments Motion Control Info
Motion Control Resources with example code, technical presentations, and tutorial information.
Root Locus Lecture
Root locus is a powerful graphic method for analysis and design of control systems. Given a feedback control system, the root locus illustrates how the poles of the closed-loop system vary with the closed-loop gain. This lecture describes the root-locus, its properties, and a step-by-step procedure for constructing a root-locus. Case studies are included which illustrate how to use the root-locus for designing a control system.
Sungyung Lim's Control System Papers
Full text papers dealing with analysis and design of control systems primarily for communication satellites.
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