Resources, Inc. 226 Palmer Road Bangor, PA 18013 ![]() CPR: Bringing Powerful Ideas To Life! Robert L Rauck Ph: 215-362-0258 Fax: 215-362-3458 For Analog, Power Electronics or Motion/Process Control Consulting Support, E-Mail: |
Radiation Effects Data Links
Electronic Radiation Response Information Center (ERRIC)
ERRIC is maintained for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) by the Defense Threat
Reduction Information Analysis Center (DTRIAC). ERRIC contains radiation test data records on semiconductor pieceparts and is available for general use without written permission.
ICS Radiation Technologies, Inc.
This is the web-site for a US radiation effects consultancy and testing company. However the index contains some 200. mostly quite recent tests and sample test reports will be provided to show what is available. ICS data has also been provided to the COMRAD-UK site.
ESA Radiation Effects and Component Analysis Techniques Section
This is the radiation effects part of a much larger components-related web-site Serving European agencies and industry. The site is under the authority of the Space Components Steering Board and administered by ESA. The database does not give direct access to data but provides links to .pdf documents. The only data is that generated by ESA or under ESA contracts. The site presently contains some 300 records.
Guidelines for the use of Electronic Components in the Space Radiation Environment
This Handbook was sponsored by the British National Space Centre (BNSC), and is intended to give guidance to UK industry and institutes who are designing and manufacturing electronic hardware that may be exposed to the space radiation environment. The origins of the Handbook lie in the ESA PSS-01-609 ‘Radiation Design Handbook’ (1993), the Oxford University Press ‘Handbook of Radiation Effects’ (1993) and the SPUR report A.09.003/1467.mes ‘The Use of Commercial Components in Aerospace Technology’ (1999), prepared for BNSC.
JPL Parts Engineering Home
This site contains links to radiation effects data and other parts info.
JPL Radiation Effects Data
This site contains test reports and data for total ionizing dose (TID) and single-event effects (SEE)
tests performed by the JPL Office 514 Radiation Testing Group and is available for public access and distribution.
NASA/GSFC Radiation Effects & Analysis
They perform Single Event Effect (SEE) testing on just about anything in the realm of electronics & photonics. A searchable list of devices they've tested is available, as are device test reports. Scan down the links for the searchable database and the total ionizing dose effects data.
National Semiconductor Radiation Page
SPACE & RADIATION: The space arena is one of today's fastest growing and most demanding
markets. National Semiconductor's support of this market began more than 25 years ago and it continues to be an area of focus.
NRL Radiation Effects Data
The Radiation Effects Data EXchange is operated by the Naval Research Laboratory Radiation
Dynamics Section, Code 6823, and serves the international radiation effects community.
They provide consulting services to Aerospace companies and agencies in support of space radiation effects. These are effects that are caused by the natural space radiation environment (trapped particle belts, galactic cosmics rays and solar flare particles). In this work, they do a wide variety of activities, including: evaluate electronic/photonic designs for radiation tolerance, make measurements on electronic/photonic devices, make predictions of event rates for single event effects, make predictions of total dose tolerance lifetimes, model the space radiation environment, write reports, provide tutorials and talks. Go to the reference link for full test reports on radiation topics, links to other useful sites related to radiation effects and more.
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