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Recommended Power Electronics Books
"Fast analytical techniques for Electrical and Electronic Circuits" by Vatche
Vorperian, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0 521 62442 8
This book deals with circuit design primarily
from the perspective of Low-Entropy Expressions and the N Extra Element Theorem. These topics were initially
popularized by Dr. R. D. Middlebrook in courses he taught at Caltech, lectures he presented and a series of papers
from various conferences. Dr. Vorperian studied under Dr. Middlebrook when he was at Caltech.
The standard approach to circuit analysis (Loop and Nodal methods) leads to equations which (while correct) are often unintelligible (High-Entropy). This is due to the fact that they contain sums of products of the circuit elements with many elements showing up repeatedly in various locations in the expression. Such expressions are useless for the design process which is really the reverse of the analysis problem. Analysis starts with the circuit and computes performance. Design starts with the desired performance and computes the required component values. It is inherently iterative since adjustment to circuit architecture is fundamental to achieving an optimized solution. Undergraduate Engineering programs have traditionally emphasized analysis rather than design. The techniques in this book allow the equations for complex analog circuits to be written with much less effort. A powerful tool, the N Extra Element Theorem, is introduced to facilitate this process. The results naturally appear as Low-Entropy Expressions suitable for design. This means that terms are grouped in series and parallel combinations of components and sums and products of time constants that offer insight into the effect of individual components on circuit operation. Dr. Vorperian is an outstanding author who makes complex concepts much easier to understand. It has been said that engineers who study these methods often ask why circuit analysis was not taught this way when they were in school. This book is highly recommended. |
"Technical Therapy for Analog Circuit Designers" by Dr. R. D. Middlebrook
Dr. Middlebrook was also preparing a book on the same topic but there has been a change in plans as described in this message from Dr. Middlebrook:
Most Frequently Asked Question: Where's "The Book?" Dr. Middlebrook writes: "I stopped offering the course 'Structured Analog Design' in order to devote full time to writing 'the book of the course', Technical Therapy for Analog Circuit Designers. Although I made good progress, I have been diverted by a succession of priorities, the first of which was helping my wife write her book, Val's Victory; Defeat was NEVER an Option. "It dawned on me at the end of 2002 that, since video compression techniques have advanced so far, the existing course videotapes could be transferred to a data DVD. "This has now been accomplished as described above, and consequently there is no longer any need for "The Book" which, after all, was originally intended just to be a written version of the course. At the same time, the intended book title has also been passed on to the DVD version. " In the DVD you can get a thorough background in the techniques you need to take maximum advantage of the GFT, and at the same time you can practice the many examples of the techniques covered in Dr. Vatché Vorpérian's book Fast Analytical Methods in Electrical and Electronic Circuits [6]." Those of you who have already submitted the Response Form, and checked the box for eligibility for a prepublication discount on the book, will now have that eligibility transferred to the DVD. You still have time to submit the Response Form before the DVDs are published. Visit Dr. Middlebrook's website for further information. [1] R.D.Middlebrook, "Design-Oriented Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers," Proc. National Electronics Conference, vol. 20, Oct. 1964; pp. 234-238. [2] R.D.Middlebrook, "Measurement of Loop Gain in Feedback Systems," Intl. J. of Electronics, vol. 38, Apr. 1975; pp. 485-512. [3] R.D.Middlebrook, "Null Double Injection and the Extra Element Theorem," IEEE Trans. on Education, vol. 32, no. 3, Aug. 1989; pp. 167-180. [4] R.D.Middlebrook, "The Two Extra Element Theorem," Proc. IEEE Frontiers in Education, 21st Annual Conf., Purdue Univ., Sept. 21-24, 1992; pp. 702-708. [5] R.D.Middlebrook, Vatché Vorpérian, and John Lindal, "The N Extra Element Theorem," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. 45, no. 9, Sept. 1998.; pp. 919-935. [6] Vatché Vorpérian, Fast Analytical Techniques for Electrical and Electronic Circuits, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. A preview of Dr. Middlebrook's discussion of the Gereral Feedback Theorem is available at the following site: Download GFTManual.pdf This Gereral Feedback Theorem has been embedded into a Simulation Template developed for use with the Intusoft Spice Circuit Simulator program. Visit Intusoft GFT Site for further information. |
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